Recently the country has been under a crisis. Actually it still is. With the Gloriagate scandal, the Jueteng Lord scandal,etc. The country can't seem to recover from all of the tragedies befalling it. Our economy is in a shambles (investors won't invest in a country beleaguered by political turmouil. What can we do? Tito Frank Padilla from the CFC has something to say about it. Posted below is his statement. Something to think about.
July 1, 2005
Our dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
May the peace of our Lord Jesus, who is always more than enough, be with you all!
Once again our nation faces difficult challenges. The current political situation is very muddled. With many conflicting voices, we do not know whom to believe. Many do not know what next is proper to do. The burning issue is the so-called Gloriagate tapes and the President's recent admission and apology.
At all times, especially in times of confusion and uncertainty, we turn to Jesus. What would Jesus do?
In the Bible, there is another penitent woman. She was caught in adultery. The scribes and Pharisees wanted to stone her. Jesus said, "Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." (Jn 8:7). In our situation, many of those who are crying out for the President's blood are those who themselves have engaged in questionable and even illegal political activities, including cheating at elections. We need to see who are on the other side. What we see are discredited politicians, Marcos and Erap loyalists, militant leftists, and the like.
Then Jesus said to the woman, "Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin any more." (Jn 8:11). This is our posture towards the President. We are not condemning her, but if she indeed did wrong, we expect her to sin no more.
Some say the President is not sincerely penitent. We are admonished by Jesus, "Stop judging, that you may not be judged." (Mt 7:1).
Some say that now that she admitted wrongdoing she should do penance and thus resign. We leave it to her conscience to decide of she would indeed resign. But should she make amends? Yes. But even for us, penance is positive and not negative. For our penance we are not told to flagellate ourselves, but we are told to say 3 Hail Marys and that is a wonderful thing. So for our President, her penance need not be the bitter pill of resignation. but rather for her to work at good governance. This she has pledged. She has even shown determination in "exiling" her husband and will possibly revamp her Cabinet. We hope that with what has happened, the President will now have the resolve to do what needs to be done for our nation.
These are critical times in the life of our nation. With the doubling of oil prices and the implementation of the expanded VAT, the seed for greater discontent and anger has been planted. The potential for chaos is tremendous. The threat of disintegration is very real. Filipinos must be cautious and discerning in their next moves.
What then should we as CFC do?
First, we stick to the constitutional processes. While extra-constitutional ousting of a President through people power is justified at times, such as in EDSA I and EDSA II, this is not such a time. If the President remains in office, we should support her. If she resigns, we should rally behind her constitutional successor.
Second, we must pray. Our country is loved by God and is destined to be His light to the world. God will not abandon us. And in the midst of all our trials and tribulations, God is more than enough. We must not take matters into our own hands, but trust in the God in whose hands we are held.
Third, we must intensify our work of building communities among the poor, with the corollary of nation building. This grassroots approach is ultimately the only way to true political renewal, and to justice and peace of mind in our land.
Some say that now that she admitted wrongdoing she should do penance and thus resign. We leave it to her conscience to decide of she would indeed resign. But should she make amends? Yes. But even for us, penance is positive and not negative. For our penance we are not told to flagellate ourselves, but we are told to say 3 Hail Marys and that is a wonderful thing. So for our President, her penance need not be the bitter pill of resignation. but rather for her to work at good governance. This she has pledged. She has even shown determination in "exiling" her husband and will possibly revamp her Cabinet. We hope that with what has happened, the President will now have the resolve to do what needs to be done for our nation.
These are critical times in the life of our nation. With the doubling of oil prices and the implementation of the expanded VAT, the seed for greater discontent and anger has been planted. The potential for chaos is tremendous. The threat of disintegration is very real. Filipinos must be cautious and discerning in their next moves.
What then should we as CFC do?
First, we stick to the constitutional processes. While extra-constitutional ousting of a President through people power is justified at times, such as in EDSA I and EDSA II, this is not such a time. If the President remains in office, we should support her. If she resigns, we should rally behind her constitutional successor.
Second, we must pray. Our country is loved by God and is destined to be His light to the world. God will not abandon us. And in the midst of all our trials and tribulations, God is more than enough. We must not take matters into our own hands, but trust in the God in whose hands we are held.
Third, we must intensify our work of building communities among the poor, with the corollary of nation building. This grassroots approach is ultimately the only way to true political renewal, and to justice and peace of mind in our land.
CFC Council
Frank Padilla
CFC Director