Sunday, April 10, 2005

Musings on Love

What is love for me? Love for me is a commitment. For me you can't say your really in love with somebody unless you can give your full commitment to him or her. Maybe that's why some relationships end. Maybe love for them is only the feeling they get. But don't feelings change. You may feel so "kilig" at one point in a relationship, but what if that ends. Or what if it grows softer. What will be the foundation of the relationship then? One good foundation of a loving relationship is, for me, commitment. Sure, maybe you'll get angry at your partner. There'll probably be times when that previously oh so cute face just seems to be better of a dartboard. But if you have commitment. If you can say to your self, "I will love this person no matter what." No ifs. No buts. No because. Then you have the makings of a stable, long-lasting, loving relationship.

I myself am waiting for the "girl of my aspirations" to come into my life. That's the trouble with me. I constantly want that "feeling" of being in love. Don't get me wrong. I want to commit myself to somebody. It's just that, I want the constant feeling you get when you are caring and loving (note: action word) a person. I hope she would come one day soon. I hope my next girlfriend would be the One. Maybe God's preparing me for her and her for me. I just hope and pray, God would give her to me soon.


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