Patterns in the Wheel of Time
Here's my blog! It's about me, my life, what's going on in my life, etc. If you want to say anything about me. Feel free to post something. I'll also be posting pictures taken from my mobile phone. There will also be some random rantings about life, faith, and other stuff I'm interested in. Hopia like it!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Been a while since I posted. Dats because I've been really busy d past few months. Setting up 2 businesses. A water purifier dealership and a wholesaling business. My partners are neighbours of ours here in GreenPark. The business are still on the beginning stages but they're doing fairly well. Just a little more elbow grease for the millions to start flowing in. Hehehehe. Please pray for the success of my endeavours in the 2 businesses I have, k? Hope you guys continue to support my blog. My new cel number's +639189916737 and +639217003300 by the way.